04 July 2007

Uneventful 4th.

Just got home a second ago. It was a very slow day, practically dead. Everyone else at the jobsite--except for those of us on the remodel (me included)--got the holiday off, but per contract we don't get any holidays off that are on scheduled work days. And that's fine; I got paid double-time which will pay for my school books. $420 is ridiculous but hey, at least I'm not a first year trying to pay for tools as well.

So since we had to work, we had kind of a potluck. For break we had chips with some kind of cheese sauce and little croissant sandwiches with chicken salad on it. I've never had chicken salad, and I'm told that this version (with celery and almond slivers) is better than most. I liked it. Lunchtime gave us a casserole (bowtie pasta, cheese sauce, tuna and chilis), death-by-chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. And that was the highlight of the day since there was seriously nothing to do, not even inspections.

Too bad I've been nauseous for the past three days and only got to nibble and got the "How come you don't eat?"-talk but whatever. Being paid what I got paid today made up for the incessant nausea and extreme boredom. That, and Gwynne let me read through his conduit-bending book, and I even got to play around with some pipe. Sweet.

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